Wednesday, November 30, 2011


J   E   S   U   S

Which is HE for you?

I find it interesting how we throw these terms around in our “Church” talk, all the while we fail to fully appreciate the significance associated with these designations.

I would contend that most followers of JESUS understand the Savior aspect, but FEW truly comprehend the LORDSHIP component of JESUS.
  • One day HE will be our RETURNING KING!

[Can I let you in on a little secret…I only recently began to grasp the magnitude of this concept]

Why do I say that?
  • Simple.  This is the most visible aspect of one’s walk.
      • This is where one’s allegiance is most signified.

JESUS as Savior is epitomized in HIS gracious, sacrificial act on the cross…
  • and for most believers, this is where it ends.

It is such a WONDERFUL event that unfortunately, we get “stuck” at the foot of the cross.

Instead we should be using the cross as a staging point to propel us into the LORDSHIP of our returning KING, YESHUA!

Let’s take a look at

Matthew 6:24

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve GOD and mammon.

  • Note masters here is literally LORDs in the Greek
    • Strong’s translates it as so: he to whom a person or thing belongs

  • Mammon here simply refers to the “world’s system”
    • That which is in opposition or competition with GOD’s Kingdom

Let me ask you, is HE your LORD?

  • Who do you belong to?
    • Do you claim the blood of the Savior and yet pledge your allegiance to your own god of this world?
  • Do you seek HIS approval?
    • Or perhaps your satisfaction lies with those of your friends, family, or co-workers?
  • Do you seek to obey HIS commandments and statutes?
    • For you maybe HIS rules don’t apply…after all you are living under HIS “grace”.

Let’s be honest for a moment…
  • When a decision is to be made, is HIS LORDSHIP even on our mind?

Unfortunately we have fooled ourselves into believing that HIS Grace allows us FREEDOM to do WHATEVER we want!

* * *N E W S   F L A S H* * *

  • That my friends is ANARCHY, and a KINGDOM divided against itself cannot stand.

  • The KING is under NO obligation to bless someone who is not being obedient to HIS authority.
    • Read Deuteronomy 30:15-20

As mature followers, we need to come to that place where
GRACE willingly gives itself to OBEDIENCE.

G R A C E  is the access point by which we are adopted into the KINGDOM of GOD

JESUS as SAVIOR has let down the draw-bridge and allowed me to enter into HIS KINGDOM!

  • A Kingdom up until that point, I was unworthy to enter!

JESUS as KING grants me access to the power and authority of HIS KINGDOM!

  • Matthew 6 : 33
    • But seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The reality is WE will serve one of two Kings…there is no THIRD option.

It will either be:

  • JESUS the KING of all Kings, which has major ETERNAL implications
  • satan and his “worldly” faux kingdom, which has no eternal value and only leads to destruction!

When you understand the choices presented before you, there really is only one choice!

So choose LIFE in JESUS the LORD!

I pray that JESUS may become your SAVIOR and LORD, because one day the LAMB is coming back to RULE as KING !

May the LORD add HIS blessing to these words…

To The KING and HIS KINGDOM ! ! !


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