I believe the Scriptures directed the holy ones of the past, and I believe it guides us to this very day...indeed to this very hour!
I believe the WORD of GOD transcends time and space to speak to us, often in a repetitive fashion.
I want to take a look at Revelation; specifically Revelation 2 : 12 - 13.
Let me lay it out here:
[12 ] And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
[13] I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat or throne [is]: and thou holdest fast MY name, and hast not denied MY faith, even in those days wherein Antipas [was] MY faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Ok...did you catch that?
Pergamos or Pergamum is identified with Satan's dwelling place.
- Verse 13 - Tells us it is where his throne or seat is
- Keep in mind satan is a fallen angel.
- He is NOT a god or demi-god.
- He is not omni-present or all-knowing, so it would stand to reason that he would have a location of operation.
What a great piece of information that often goes over-looked!
Here is a little history on Pergamos:
- It was an ancient greek city meaning "Married to the Tower"
- if your hair just stood up, it should have!
- It was a coastal city located in modern-day Turkey [just East of the Aegean Sea].
- It was a HIGHLY cultural city with an upper and lower Acropolis.
- 'It was the epitome of Greek Culture, and a literal monument of sorts to the domination of the Grecian Empire' ~wikipedia
* * * K E Y P O I N T S * * *
- Pergamos comes from the Greek words
- Pergos meaning tower
- Gamos meaning married
. . .hence the name "Married to the Tower"
As a believer your mind should take you back to the Tower of Babel, because what went on in Pergamos is very similar.
2. The next term we need to clarify is ACROPOLIS.
- This simply means a hill city or high place.
Recall how the pagan religions of the Old Testament period often
worshiped in the High Places, thus the LORD GOD forbade it!
It is reflective of human efforts to go up to god
whereas it is
GOD's plan for HIM to come down to us!
3. The Hebrew word for "high places" is Bamah
- Strongs H1116 [I encourage you to do a word study]
Based on that Hebraic understanding, here is what I find rather "ironic"...
Below is an Associated Press article surrounding Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention held in Denver, Co.
Sayles/Associated PressEarlier this week workers prepare the stage at Invesco
Field, the scheduled site for Barack Obama's acceptance speech on the final
night of the Democratic National Convention.
DENVER -- Sen.
Barack Obama will take a significant political risk Thursday when he accepts
the Democratic nomination for president in Invesco Field, a 76,000-person
stadium on a stage set with faux-Greek columns, accompanied by a cast of
world-famous pop stars and followed by fireworks.
strategists said the goal was to play to Obama's strengths, highlighting his
youth, energy, and talent for speaking before large audiences.
But others
worried it could backfire, playing into the hands of Republicans who have spent
the last month portraying Obama as a vanity candidate with charisma and a heavy
dose of arrogance, but little substance and not enough seasoning for the White
advantage is that it puts him at his best -- he's a great speaker, he moves
audiences quite emotionally, so I think there's a great advantage for
him," said Christopher Arterton, dean of the Graduate School of Political
Management at George Washington University. "But the McCain effort to
paint him as a celebrity is something he has to watch, and if this comes off as
closer to a rock concert as opposed to a speech to a nation from someone likely
to be president, I think it could be detrimental."
The white-washed
plywood columns in particular became the fodder for much merriment Wednesday,
as aerial photos of the stage set at at Mile High, the home of the NFL Denver
Broncos, made them look like a papier-mache Acropolis.
Republicans, who
have taken to ridiculing Obama as "The One," mocked the "Temple
of Obama" and advised reporters on what styles of togas they might wear to
the event. Democrats retorted by circulating a photo of President Bush flanked
by faux neoclassical columns for his acceptance of the GOP nomination in 2004.
"This does
put him [Obama] in an awkward setting where it's this, 'I'm coming from Mount Olympus
to save you' sort of thing -- you have to be very careful with that
imagery," said Wayne Lesperance, a political scientist at New England
College in Henniker, N.H., who also said the venue could create an
"exciting, invigorating, fun, upbeat atmosphere."
strategist David Winston said he found the columns puzzling more than anything.
"I just
don't understand how it mixes with the theme of change," he said. "I
would have expected something more high-tech."
The music cast
had not been officially released as of press time, but Stevie Wonder was doing
a sound-check late Wednesday afternoon, and reports were circulating that
Sheryl Crow, Will.I.Am. and perhaps even Bruce Springsteen would perform.
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* * * D I S C L A I M E R * * *
I am NOT suggesting that President Obama is the Anti-Christ.
However, I do find it rather Providential that the name "bamah" is associated with Acropolis or high places.
I do think we'd better perk up and pay attention to what "may" be happening in the world today; dare I say, especially in these end times!
If you want my honest opinion, I do think he could be a model of the future Anti-Christ...
- On the one-hand appearing peaceful and diplomatic while on the other hand doing the complete opposite behind "closed" doors.
- To be sure this has been going on LONG before the Obama administration - yes, even Republican led administrations.
- My point is that there is an interesting connection at this point in time in our history.
- Is this Coincidental or Providential ? ? ?
Here is what further fascinated me:
Why build a Museum to that Place [Pergamos]?
So I thought, maybe it's not so much a "European" thing as it is a German fascination.
Until I found this. . .
What I am about to show you, is not new in many Christian circles, but it often goes unaccounted in mainstream "Christianity."
On the left is a drawing by Pieter Brueghel depicting the Tower of Babel.
To the right, is the European Union building in Strasbourg, France.
The two appear eerily similar. . .hmmmmm
Europe first began its push for closer ties
and integration among member nations
in the
1990s, it created the caption: "Europe:
Many Tongues, One Voice".
To promote this hope of the future, it created a poster of the Council of Europe that depicted
the European Community as the Tower of Babel under construction, with twelve starts representing the (then) twelve nations of the European Union.
Europe -
Many Tongues, One Voice?
from the February
25, 2003 eNews issue
I find it amazing how the caption "Europe: Many Tongues, One Voice" speaks in direct rebellion/ defiance to what the LORD GOD did to the inhabitants of Babel in Genesis 11: 1-9.
- Where as the LORD took one voice and made it many tongues!
- Did you notice the "inverted" stars?
Check out this image below!

It is a picture of Europa ~ A woman
Riding The Beast outside EU building
in Brussels Belgium
Brussels has also been coined as the “Capital
of the World” and the “Capital of the EU”
Again, this is another reference to Greek Mythology.
All these symbols have meaning...they were not haphazardly put together.
Many resources and much time was committed to these plans.
My point is not to label the E.U as the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ, but rather to show how these things can happen if we are not paying attention!
JESUS said, "he who is not with ME is against ME; and he who does not gather with ME scatters..." [Matthew 12:30]
Again, I think the EU could present for us a model of the future kingdom of the Anti-Christ.
JESUS was very clear about the two distinct "kingdoms" at work in the world - HIS and the fallen one.
I think all these things/events [and many more] are signs to keep us focused on the return of our KING, YESHUA!
The LORD GOD whom we serve, is trying to keep us in the game!
Do not be lulled to sleep!
It is late in the hour, keep watch!
~ May the LORD add HIS blessings to this teaching ~